Staff Support Guide: a good practice resource following serious patient harm

As healthcare has become more effective it has also become increasingly complex, with greater use of new technologies, medicines and treatments. In this complicated environment there are many different ways in which avoidable harm can potentially occur. Errors can have life-changing consequences and in the worst cases result in the death of a patient.

In recognition of this, it is vital that we create an environment with an open and fair culture, that enables patient safety issues to be raised, discussed and resolved and which ensures incidents of avoidable harm are responded to with empathy, respect, rigour and action for improvement. To achieve this, we need to ensure that patient safety incidents are reported consistently and that staff and patients feel safe and supported in doing so.

Whilst the first priority of any avoidable harm will be to support patients and their families, staff directly and indirectly involved should also be provided with the support they need following an incident and subsequent investigation.

This support guide and resource focuses on what needs to be put in place for staff. It will also shortly be available online in a expanded form, with individual guidance for staff members, managers and organisations.

Click here, or on the image below, to view the Staff Support Guide.

Staff Support Guide: a good practice resource following serious patient harm

This guide has been produced by Patient Safety Learning and the Safer Healthcare and Biosafety Network, as part of the Safety for All campaign, supported by an Expert Advisory Group of patient safety leaders, clinicians and those with direct experience of supporting patients and staff following avoidable harm.

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