Patient Safety Learning charitable status officially recognised.


  • 15th November 2018

(LONDON, UK, 14 NOVEMBER 2018) – The Charity Commissioners today confirmed that Patient Safety Learning has succeeded in its application to become a registered charity. While Patient Safety Learning has worked for more than a year as a not-for-profit organisation to improve the safe care of patients, it aimed to establish itself as a voice for patient safety before completing the formalities of charitable registration.

Hence in September 2018, Patient Safety Learning published a green paper - A Patient-Safe Future1- which described how healthcare can change to reduce and eliminate patient harm. The paper was acclaimed by new Secretary of State for Health Matt Hancock as the ‘blueprint for change’ for patient safety in the NHS2.

Charitable status opens the door to safer care

Charitable registration acknowledges Patient Safety Learning’s position as a body striving to make change happen both in health policy and delivery. Charitable status also confirms that while Patient Safety Learning publishes policy statements and makes submissions to influence improvements in patient safety, the organisation does not undertake political activity.

Helen Hughes, Chief Executive of Patient Safety Learning, said, “We are delighted that the Charity Commission has recognised our charitable status. Doing so required us formally to articulate our charitable goals as well as recruit a world-class Board of Trustees. Both steps equip us to move more effectively towards a patient-safe future for everyone.”

Patient Safety Learning is now consulting on the green paper and is seeking contributions from anyone with views on patient safety. The consultation can be found online3. /ENDS

Note to editors:

1Patient Safety Learning’s green paper, A Patient-Safe Future, can be downloaded here.

2The published version of Matt Hancock’s speech to the Patient Safety Learning conference can be read here.

3The consultation survey can be found here.

Patient Safety Learning is a new and independent registered charity that works collaboratively with patients, healthcare professionals, policy makers, researchers and academics to help healthcare organisations around the world provide safer care for patients.

For more information, contact:

Helen Hughes, Chief Executive Officer, Patient Safety Learning
T: +44 (0) 7793 550855
E:[email protected]

Patient Safety Learning
SB 220
China Works
100 Black Prince Road
London SE1 7SJ



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