Development of our learning platform continues after a successful user workshop

  • 15th April 2019

Earlier this month, we hosted our third user workshop in London to help us further develop the hub, a new learning platform for patient safety. The workshop was well attended with a range of stakeholders involved, including nurses, those working in emergency medicine, patient safety managers and patients.

The day was run by Brew, the digital agency designing the platform with us. We began by showing the user group what we had done since the previous workshop, and how the ideas generated from that had shaped the development so far of the look and feel of the hub. In this workshop, we asked the group to further develop and specify content for the hub.

Using Post-It notes, the attendees worked individually to define the different types of content users would want to find and share on the hub, and in what format. The group then worked together to think through how we can categorise and order the content to make it easy for users to search and find the information they need. With lots of enthusiasm and debate, the walls were quickly covered with a colourful array of Post-It notes. We were then able to group the common themes and ideas together.

Following a tasty lunch to refuel, we spent the afternoon discussing patient safety more generally. One of the things we discussed was how to identify the best routes to help promote proactivity in patient safety. The group considered what things hold us back from being proactive in patient safety, and what should be our most important priorities.

By the end of the workshop, we had generated lots of ideas and actions to take back to the office, which will help guide us in the development of the structure and content of the hub.

In our next user workshops, we will:

  • Provide feedback on the work we've done since our last workshop
  • Develop some of the themes that were identified in our last workshop
  • Conduct prototype testing

Thank you to everyone who attended our last workshop. It was a fantastic day and your input was invaluable. We are grateful for the opportunity to work with patients, the public and professionals as we continue to develop this important new learning platform for patient safety. If you would like to get involved in shaping this vital piece of work, and help to improve shared learning for patient safety, please get in touch.

The hub workshop 3 April 2019


A platform for anyone with an interest in patient safety to share and learn from one another. Learn more.

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